Francis Fung's Blog - Global Thinking Japan

英語/国際ビジネススキルでで生活が変わる。Improve your life and work with Global Thinking and English..

感謝はあなたの人生をどのように変えますか? How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

#Grateful for what we have. #Thanksgiving. Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

#Grateful for what we have. #Thanksgiving. Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

I recently set up my first YouTube channel up to talk about work and life and how to better improve oneself in both areas. But before I even touched on those two topics, I realised I should talk about the topic of gratitude.

What I have realized so far is no matter how well you do or what you’ve achieved; without gratitude, you won’t actually realise what you have.

Even after you’ve improved your work and your life, you may not appreciate it and you may not be happy. In fact, gratitude is one of the main keys to improving your work and your life.

Gratitude. It’s the same word for many different things, being grateful, being thankful, being appreciative. They’re all one and the same. So why be grateful? Because gratitude will change your life.

First and foremost, gratitude will help you focus on and appreciate what you have in your life already. So you’ll focus on the good things, the positive things, the happy things rather than the negative and what you don’t have. I know that sounds very simplistic. Gratitude leading to positivity, therefore leading you to achieve what you want to. But it really is that simple.

If you’re just focusing on the negative things. How will you ever feel that you’re ready to go and achieve better things? Because all you’re focusing on are the bad things. Being grateful, just knowing what you have already. You already have a better base to start from.

Imagine being negative all the time and not even knowing that you’re in a negative state.

Imagine not knowing that you had to change. So, to have that chance, to have that awareness of wanting to change, we should already be grateful for that.

Another thing gratitude can do to help change your life, is help to reduce fears.
Reducing fear usually is associated with being brave or courage or not worrying. But again, it’s all linked. Being grateful for what you have and knowing that you can change, and being happy that you’re even aware of needing to change in this situation. Already, that should give you some strength to know that, “Hey, I’m smart enough to know that I needed to change and I can.” Just being aware of that already will reduce some of the fear out of your current circumstances and situation. It’s not going to take all fear away, of course.
Things will still be scary and there will be things you don’t want to do, or they’re new and worry you. 
But just being grateful for having the opportunity to go find the information you need, to just so easily look it up on Google, watch a video about it on YouTube; that you can learn to do a lot of things by yourself. To know that you are in control and that things are not controlling you. Being grateful to have that own choice and that freedom will reduce some of the fears already.

Linked to some of the points I mentioned earlier about being aware or just being more positive or gratitude reducing fears. I have to say gratitude isn’t something that you just feel when you’re happy, and it shouldn’t be something that you just feel when you’re down. Whether good things happen, or whether bad things happen, you should be grateful for both. I know that’s going to sound very contradictory. “How can I be happy for, or grateful that bad things have happened?”. 

No matter how big or small those bad things were, you have to look at it in the way that it’s made you think and feel and act like how you are now; and right now, you are someone who is aware enough to be reading an article like this because you want to change. Your experiences have helped you become someone who wants to do better. And for that, we should be grateful, as opposed to something bad that happened; and you did not have the awareness that you could do better and change things.

All of the things that have happened to me in my life, all had lessons or something that I needed to learn from, in order to grow, in order to become better. And so I will say, I am grateful for even the bad things that have happened in my life. At the time they really sucked. It really didn’t feel like anything good.

“How can I be happy for something that just happened that was this bad or this sad?” But when you look back at it or when you ask yourself what is the lesson that I’m supposed to learn from this, once you realize that lesson and once you’ve realized how it helped you grow, or how you came through on the other side as a better person, then you’ll feel, “Wow, I am actually glad that happened. I didn’t like it, didn’t want it to happen, but am glad I could learn from it, and for it helping me become who I am right now.”

So, I’ve talked enough about why you should be grateful and how great gratitude is, how it’s all ultimately positive and helps you reduce fears. But, how can you become grateful? How do you cultivate this attitude of gratitude? How do you remind yourself to be grateful and to be thankful when things are bad, when they suck?

There are quite a few techniques, but I’ll share with you some that I practice and have helped me a lot. The first is to make a list. Make a gratitude list. I literally mean write down a list of everything that you are grateful for in your life right now. You can keep adding to this daily.

In case you’re saying, “I don’t know, I don’t have anything to be grateful for in my life.”; that’s a little bit too easy to say. There’s always something that you can be grateful for. And if you were going to ask me to start you off, I always think “I am grateful that we are still alive.”. That we are here. We are alive. We still have a chance to change. We still have a chance to grow. We still have a chance to do things.

This year, I lost quite a few people that were very, very close to me. To think that I still am alive, and here, and have a chance to do things to even write this, when there are people who are no longer here with us. It makes me feel grateful that I’m still alive.

Another would be, just being free. being able to go out, feeling the wind on my face, it makes me happy. Again, it makes me feel alive and I’m grateful for that.

The third one would be gratitude for everything that I already have. Whether it’s a lot or not, I’m not really counting, I’m just glad I have what I have.

Some people might complain and feel what they have is not a lot. 
Don’t misunderstand though, I of course want more, and believe we should all strive for more in our lives. One of the things I believe in the most, is that we are here to make the most of our lives, to help as much as we can, to give as much as we can, to enjoy life as much as we can.

But to know what you have already is something to be grateful for. 
For example, we have the Internet. We have a way of easily and quickly communicating and connecting with each other. Whether on YouTube, on Medium, any of the many Social apps. We have so many ways of staying in touch. I remember when I was young and you had no mobile phone. You had to write letters, you had to arrange to meet someone and just expect or hope that they turned up. To be able to communicate like this, with you right now is something that I am grateful for. I’m grateful that we born in this era to be able to have this.

So there are many things you can be grateful for. Make that list, and add to that list daily. Whenever you read it, it will help remind you that things are indeed good.

Another way that I remind myself to be grateful every day is by using a gratitude app. There are many apps out there, but on this particular app, I open every night and I list down five to ten things I was grateful for that day. It takes me only a few minutes, and most of those entries are just photos that I took during the day. For example, I’ll take a picture of some food that I liked eating. I take a picture of it and at the end of the day, I’m going through my photos and adding to the app. After you start making this list on your app, you’ll realize at the end of the day, “Hey, no matter how bad today was, I actually have all of these things and experiences to be grateful for”, and it makes me happy.

In summary, I’ve written enough about why we should be grateful and how we can be grateful. 
The only thing remaining is for you to go and try, and to remind yourself, and to go have a think about what you’re grateful for, what you have and how you can keep that attitude of gratitude going.

Being grateful honestly will make you feel happier. If anything, from this article, I just want you to be a little bit happier. I’m grateful that you even read to the end of this article!

Leave a comment below. Send me a message. I am very curious to hear what you’re grateful for, how you remind yourself of gratitude and what you do to stay in a grateful mood. I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for reading.
I’m grateful for that!

Francis Fung

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In Japan, I am often asked “I want to learn more real English, what is the best way?”.

In this article we will look at some of the many options, and why some may be better than others. However, the most important thing is to choose a method and get started. 

Which methods work best for you?

“I want to learn real English. I want to learn more English. What's the best way to learn?”

I've been in Japan for 10 years now and have known and worked with a lot of Japanese people. Everyone has very different English levels, but the story is mainly the same. They have learnt English at high school, they studied English to get into university, they've taken TOEIC or Eiken. Some have also lived and worked abroad and have come back to Japan.

But these friends and acquaintances still ask the same question. “I want to learn more English. I want to learn real English for business for work. What's the best way to learn?”

The real answer is, there's no one correct way. The following is just from my own experience and personal opinion.

Firstly I will start with what I would not recommend for most people. I do not recommend paying lots of money and go to after work Eikaiwa (英会話) schools. From experience and from the people I know, it's not that useful for them. You may go to an Eikaiwa lesson maybe twice a week for an hour, or maybe 90 minutes. At the time, you study, you say some phrases and have some homework assigned. However, after that you probably do not do the homework or think about English for the whole week. Then, just before your next lesson you complete the homework and that's when you start thinking about last week’s lesson. That is not enough.

It's not enough to help you remember, to help you practice, or to help you during the week. That is a quick summary of why I don't feel Eikaiwa is the best.

If that's at the bottom of the recommendations, then what is the most recommended way?

Something which you can practice every day is best. I personally believe online lessons (Skype, video call lessons) for maybe 15 - 30 minutes a day, with someone who speaks English natively or fluently is best. Depending on the price that you want to pay it may be with native English speakers, or southeast Asian English speakers. Having 15-30 minutes of conversation a day is great practice.

Having conversations daily will help you listen, it helps you understand, and practice chatting freely. It's not as structured as a class you can just talk about anything, without worrying about being correct or not. That is the best way I would recommend. So, if we say Eikaiwa is at the bottom and if we say online video calls 15 minutes a day is at the top, then what are the options in between?

Starting from the bottom of recommendations and going up.

If you are not that comfortable with listening and speaking, then reading would be a good place to start. Most people commute, and read on their smartphones, tablet, Kindle or even on your laptops at work.

Reading is something anyone can do, anytime, anywhere. There are plenty of English websites and articles out there. You can just go to any news website e.g. BBC News or even Japanese English websites like NHK English news or Daily Yomiuri. You can find a level to suit you. Any reading that you do daily, is better than no reading.

Next I would say listening to English is very important.

At home, I would recommend having English audio in the background like background music (BGM). Have English playing in the background so that you can get used to it. English audio can be anything from English TV programs, English dramas, English radio, English songs or English YouTubeanything. You can listen to anything you want as long as it's English. This helps you get used to listening to English, how it's spoken by different people, all the different accents, speeds and vocabularies. Just like Speaking, I would highly recommend listening to English daily.

A popular method is listening to English podcasts. Of course I also have an English podcastGlobal Thinking Japan” and if you listen, then that’s great, but there are other podcasts you can also listen to for example BBC podcasts on how to learn English. I'm sure NHK also has podcasts on how to learn English. There's Amazon Audible. You can listen to English books.

Listening is very important and it's a good way to practice without you having to put in much effort, it's just listening.

Next, something which would be even more useful for practicing listening and speaking, and communication in general would be meeting some non-Japanese people and taking those chances to speak. There are a lot of gaikokujin (foreigners) in Japan. There is always a chance to speak to someone who is non-Japanese.

Why I recommend that is because that's the “most real” way to learn. I know it might seem quite scary or you might feel nervous; but it is the best way to improve communication skills; by speaking with someone who is a native English speaker. There are too many ways to suggest how to meet and speak with gaikokujin and I'm sure you already know. However, just as some suggestions, you can speak to people in your workplace who are non-native Japanese. And if you don't have anyone who is non-native Japanese, or any native English speakers at your workplace, you can always go to an English speaking cafe where you can speak to native English speakers. Or you can go online, for example, like where you can meet in groups. You can meet non-Japanese and hang out, talk and have a cultural exchange. There are numerous (many) ways and I'm sure you probably know many ways that I don't know.

But the suggestion is still, speak to people who speak English, and it's the best way to learn.

If you're afraid and you don't want to go and meet someone alone of course you don't have to. As mentioned above, there are many groups you can join. For example, join a group to volunteer to help English speakers learn Japanese or join a group that meets up in Shibuya or Yoyogi koen or somewhere that just walks around and speaks English.

There are too many ways and there's very few reasons not to speak to someone who speaks English in Japan.

Next what I would suggest is practicing English at home every day. We already mentioned that you can do Skype and online lessons daily at home. But if you really don't want to online lessons, the next best suggestion in my experience would be to watch English TV programs. English dramas, movies, anything you want as long as you do the following: Whatever you watch, you must watch it three times. Now why I say watch it three times is because I would suggest the first time you watch it, watch it with Japanese subtitles. Definitely have Nihongo jimaku in order for you to understand the story and what's happening. Also, in order for you to enjoy the program the first time around, I definitely would suggest having Japanese subtitles. So you've watched it the once, you understood it, then watch it again.

The second time you watch it make sure that this program has English subtitles. (I guess you should actually check before watching to see if there are both English and Japanese subtitles).

So the second time watch it with English subtitles because you already know the story from the first time. You already understand and know what's going to happen. Watch it with English subtitles so that you can catch the words and what they are actually saying, and try to follow along.

This will improve your listening. You may even hear or learn a lot of new words that you don't know, in which case, I would suggest that you sit there with a notepad and write down words. Pause it and write down the words that you don't know, so you can check them later.

By now, you’ve already watched it with Japanese subtitles and you understand it. The second time you've watched it with English subtitles and you know exactly which words they are using. Now, the third time, watch it again with no subtitles.

This third and final time purely is to see how much you can understand. See how many words you can catch, how much of the meaning you can get. The third time watching is also purely for practice. Don't feel that you have to catch every single word. There is no pressure. You're just watching it. If you get it, great. If you don't get it, it doesn't matter. It's a TV program / movie. It's just for your practice. It's not an exam. There's no test. So watch as much as you want. The main point is you have to keep watching and you have to keep practicing. This is something I would definitely recommend.

A lot of these suggestions, as I have mentioned, I have already done before (but not for English of course). I did the same things above while trying to learn Japanese.

I'll explain a bit more about that in a moment but I'm just going to finish my suggestion for the best way to learn English. This would be Skype conversations or online lessons every day.

I don't necessarily mean 7 days a week. That would be great of course, but e.g. every weekday after work or before work or even two to three times a week, that's still great practice.

As long as it's consistent and often, it's extremely helpful.

It obviously helps you get into the mode of speaking English with someone who is not Japanese. It helps you think quickly, helps you learn new words, and you get much more comfortable with speaking. I highly recommend this approach.

So all of above, I practiced when I tried to learn Japanese.

I've been to Japanese school in the evenings after work. It was a few months at a language school in Tokyo. However, it didn't work for me. I just couldn't concentrate. It was after work, I was tired, so it wasn’t the best fit for me.

Reading books, yes it's good practice but reading Japanese was very hard for me. I couldn't read the kanji. I tried to read books which had furigana next to the kanji, but because it's was so small to read, it always just made me sleepy.

What worked for me was watching Japanese movies and TV. It was great practice. I used to go to the DVD rental store near where I lived called Geo. I would go to Geo and every week I would borrow two to three Ghibli movies. I would watch that one Ghibli movie three times. First time with English subtitles. The second time with Japanese subtitles (even if I couldn't read all of the kanji, sometimes it helped). And the third time, no subtitles just to see how much I could understand.

Of course, I have Japanese friends, I would to speak to them in Japanese when I could.

I listened to Japanese music. I watched Japanese YouTube. I bought a mini radio when I first came to Japan just to have Japanese language on in the background, so I could listen to it all the time and just get used to the sounds and the words, even though I didn't understand anything. So everything I've said is useful but varies depending on the person.

So, what is the best for you? You have to choose.

Everything I've said is just my personal opinion and that's how I would rank them for learning.

For example, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't go to Eikaiwa or English lessons. If it works for you, great! You should go, but everything I've said is just how I feel. And they are just some ideas to get started with.

In conclusion, we have covered a lot of ways to practice and improve and get used to English. We've mentioned some reasons of why I feel you should or shouldn't do certain methods but ultimately you have to choose whichever works for you.

But whatever you choose from that list of suggestions, do choose one. And don't waitThere's no reason to wait.

You can pick anyone and start. Especially, if it's something that does not rely on others, such as listening. You can listen on the train, you can listen to English in the background when you're at home. You can listen during lunch.

Alternatively, you can read during lunch. Just get used to connecting with English.

Watch TV dramas on your smartphone, on your laptop. It doesn't matter which one you choose but whatever you choose. Just start, and just do it.

Next time, we will talk about the next question I get asked a lot in Japan, which is,

"I’ve chosen a method of practice, now what contents should I study?".

What about your ways of studying? What methods do you use that you feel, work for you and that you want to share?

Please leave a comment or send me a message. Follow me on Podcasts or Social mediaInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn or via the website.

Tell me and let me know what methods work for you and how you're studying. I do read all the messages and I do reply so I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks and have a good day.

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